High Risk in Plano

There are several issues that put a woman at a high risk of breast cancer. When a man or woman is determined to be at high risk for getting developing breast cancer in the future, several options are available. Close observation or surveillance is a breast exam every 6 months by a medical professional. A mammogram is alternated alternating with a breast MRI so that one test is given every 6 months. Prophylactic surgery is the removal of the breast tissue before cancer can occur with breast reconstruction to follow. Chemoprevention is taking a medication (Tamoxifen, Raloxifene) to decrease the chance of breast cancer. Close surveillance will also be performed with medications. Insurance covers these radiology or surgical procedures when indicated. Referral to a gynecologic oncologist or genetic counselor is given if needed.

You are considered high risk if:

  1. You have a mutation in the BRCA gene. The BRCA 1 mutation increases the breast cancer risk up to 80%. The 2 mutation is up to 60%. A BRCA mutation also puts one at risk for ovarian, prostate and pancreatic cancers as well as melanoma.
  2. You had atypical hyperplasia or lobular neoplasia (ADH, LCIS, atypia) on the pathology report from a needle or surgical biopsy. Atypia increases the risk 4 to 5 times the normal risk of breast cancer. Lobular neoplasia is even higher.
  3. Atypia was found at the HALO procedure. The risk is thought to be the same as number 2 above but still under investigation with long term studies.
  4. You have a family history concerning for Cowden’s syndrome or Li Fraumini. These rare groupings of many cancers are still important. It is critical to let us know your entire family history if possible.

Medical Center of Plano

3801 West 15th Street
Suite 150B
Plano Texas 75075 214.501.5427 - Office
214.501.5429 - Fax